Employment Settlement Agreement Scotland

Sometimes employers also want the employer to accept restrictions on where he or she will work after the end of the employment relationship, in exchange for the lump sum. This is called the restrictive alliance. Settlement agreements, formerly known as compromise agreements, are agreements between employers and (former) workers in which the worker agrees to quit his or her employment and waive his or her right to take legal action in court in the future. As a rule, the worker is paid. When a transaction agreement is presented to you, it is important for you, as an employee, to have a clear and thorough understanding of what you are agreeing to and the impact of entering into the agreement on your future rights. However, you can understand the impact of the settlement agreement and feel that there is no need to consult a lawyer. Nevertheless, the law requires that a staff member be advised by a relevant independent consultant. If you haven`t received advice, the agreement is not valid or binding – and you could still sue the rights to unfair dismissal, discrimination and holiday pay, for example. . . .