Repurchase Agreement Traduction

In the case of a repurchase agreement or swap, the maturity date corresponds to the redemption date if the seller is absent and the cash is not repaid, the buyer (investor) can keep the securities. For the liquidity borrower, the advantage is that an investment in his portfolio is used to get poorly or simply be able to borrow. There are three main constructions of Repo: the classic repo, the buy and sell-back and the loan of securities, the model is similar in all three cases. This retreat operation is the exchange of all types of securities for cash. Bulk repo is considered by institutional investors to be a monetary instrument whose interest rate is compared to other monetary instruments (transferable certificates of deposit, fixed income treasury bills or cash bills). Delivery Versus Payment This transaction constitutes a retirement of the securities by the lender and a custody of the securities by the securities lender. . by transfer of ownership, which legally takes the form of a pension agreement; or the coupled title of repo is the collateral of the operation. Rests usually have a short maturity between one day and a year. Maturity flexibility is one of the main incentives for repo and offers a large number of opportunities to invest in cash at different maturities. Its other advantage is obviously the very low risk associated with guarantees, which makes it attractive to investors. Search results: 119.

Exactly: 119. Elapsed time: 143 ms. From the seller`s point of view, we talk about repo: sale followed by acquisitions, from the buyer`s point of view, we talk about reverse repo: purchase followed by resale. Securities are requested precisely with regard to the category (sovereign bonds that can be assimilated, public sector, etc.) in terms of maturity and/or issuer. Because issuers are safer, returns are theoretically higher for investors than for bulk repo. The term REPO is the contraction of the sale and repurchase agreement. This is a transaction in which two parties simultaneously agree on two transactions: a spot sale of securities, followed by a forward buyback and a price agreed in advance. This transaction is called pension provided in French (support or retirement). . Country of the retirement agreement or pension agreement.